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Yes, I am very serious
送交者: labri 2019月11月21日12:57:29 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: come on,xiahong 於 2019-11-21 10:16:53

The protestant church (the church)  elected the Edlers and Deacons.  This is the rehersal of democratic election system prevaling today.  The church provided an excellent playground for people to play democracy in a very decent way supervised by God.   When the church opened its door to the world, this set of wel-practiced way of politics were readily tr4asnferred into secular systems and became the true blessing.

If you look at the difference in the political landscapers between protestant countries and catholic countries, you could see the difference.  

  North Europe means Sweden, - xiahong 11/21/19 (52)
    adding swiss, holland, germany - labri 11/21/19 (56)
      法國是天主教為主吧?歐洲如此的自由與墮落 - xiahong 11/21/19 (65)
        With == Without  /無內容 - labri 11/21/19 (35)
        With Protestantism, Europe - labri 11/21/19 (73)
          這老兄的歷史大概是川普教的 - trmc 11/21/19 (71)
          比爛? - xiahong 11/21/19 (58)
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