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忠于信仰 when and how??!!
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月06日07:00:37 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 大卫忠于信仰吗?caleb 于 2009-05-06 06:06:13
when 大卫 slept with Bashiba, he 忠于信仰吗?
when 大卫 tried to hide his shame, he 忠于信仰吗?
when 大卫 tried to kill Bashiba's husband, he 忠于信仰吗?

what you mean 大卫忠于信仰??!!

Yes, the great king David was a man after God,
his greatness was showed when he faced the reality
to repent and never did it again.

I never mean that beauty girl is worse than any girl in the world,
she simply doesn't have a sense of shame like everybody in the world on
many other issues.

Showing of beauty after undressing is a shame no matter
what the purpose is.
    大卫有很多老婆 - Yuehanmiao 05/06/09 (315)
      Brother Miao wants - mean 05/06/09 (271)
        with thanksgiving heart - Yuehanmiao 05/06/09 (251)
          why not though - mean 05/06/09 (191)
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