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Watchman Nee (1903-1972 )
送交者: theson 2008年07月19日00:04:22 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Watchman Nee became a Christian in mainland China in 1920 at the age of seventeen and began writing in the same year. Throughout the nearly thirty years of his ministry, Watchman Nee was clearly manifested as a unique gift from the Lord to His Body for His move in this age. In 1952 he was imprisoned for his faith; he remained in prison until his death in 1972. His words remain an abundant source of spiritual revelation and supply to Christians throughout the world.
  Watchman Nee: Revelation Study - theson 07/19/08 (222)
    Watchman Nee: Revelation Study (2) - theson 07/19/08 (207)
      Watchman Nee: Revelation Study (5) - theson 07/19/08 (207)
      Watchman Nee: Revelation Study (4) - theson 07/19/08 (164)
      Watchman Nee: Revelation Study (3) - theson 07/19/08 (175)
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2004: 靈異體驗,精神病,潛意識和屬靈追求
2004: 舍己必然要受苦
2003: M兄,動物的問題
2003: 和純彩聊天-----神的愛心和地獄