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The first female president is
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008年08月29日09:19:24 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
revealed today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6h2W9ZEwuM the magical point needs to be balanced white female young beauty conservative wisdom deeds ordinary (wife & mom) (Hilary lacks many of them.) If everything goes well, Sarah Palin will be the first VP in 2008 and a few years later, PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that is the greatest nation.
  這姐們不行,道行太淺。  /無內容 - SpicyPotato 09/01/08 (154)
  Please don't say so too early - 風影 08/31/08 (147)
  Time: Why McCain Picked Palin - xinmin 08/29/08 (245)
  Brilliant choice by McCain - xinmin 08/29/08 (446)
    Do you want a war vs Iran and - xiahong 08/29/08 (368)
      新民 will buy into - mean 08/29/08 (323)
        That is laughable logic - xinmin 08/30/08 (245)
          sorry - mean 08/30/08 (206)
        You speak as if a peace-lover - Yuehanmiao 08/30/08 (300)
          on the contrary - mean 08/30/08 (303)
            as time being, you will experi - Yuehanmiao 08/30/08 (246)
              difference of opinion - mean 08/30/08 (242)
                some are right or wrong - Yuehanmiao 08/31/08 (221)
                  sad  /無內容 - mean 08/31/08 (205)
      We will see ...  /無內容 - xinmin 08/29/08 (229)
    Sarah Palin vs. Hillary Clinto - 852 08/29/08 (336)
      Palin is likable indeed. - xinmin 08/29/08 (286)
        Obama cannot change, for sure. - 852 08/29/08 (297)
          Never forget something like B - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (183)
            ha ,human beings are FEELING - 852 08/29/08 (155)
              Yes, FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELING - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (188)
          Cinderella man vs. girl - xinmin 08/29/08 (175)
          Biden's story is moving too - xinmin 08/29/08 (310)
            Indeed it is moving. Now who - 852 08/29/08 (302)
              I have made up my mind - xinmin 08/29/08 (282)
                Please check your sources - mean 08/29/08 (286)
                  I confirmed afterwards - xinmin 08/30/08 (265)
                    omigod.... - mean 08/30/08 (300)
                      Oh man. - xinmin 08/31/08 (254)
                        Let's reason thus - mean 08/31/08 (253)
                        Mixed u with McCush. - xinmin 08/31/08 (197)
    God reingns on His throne! - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (153)
  excited? - 852 08/29/08 (225)
    I cannot change the direction - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (222)
      Hmm, a wrong question. - xinmin 08/29/08 (242)
        wife is the helper of husband - 852 08/29/08 (210)
          hahahaha. Well said. - xinmin 08/29/08 (201)
            and cleaning too...  /無內容 - 852 08/29/08 (155)
  more - Yuehanmiao 08/29/08 (190)
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