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送交者: theson 2008年11月02日15:36:11 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
The Savior Went Straight ahead Boldly Let's Pray: Lord, visit each one of us and touch us. Touch our spirit that You may gain us, that we may gain You, that You may have a way to go on for Your recovery. Hymn:223 Today's Verses and Footnotes: Luke 19:28-20:19 Key Verse: Luke 19:28 And having said these things, He went on before them, going up to Jerusalem. Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks): In the preceding verse the Savior finished His ministry. Now the time came when He needed to go up to Jerusalem to present Himself to the (death) ordained by God for the (accomplishing) of God's eternal redemption . Although He knew that the leaders of Judaism were seeking the opportunity to (kill) Him, He still went (straight) ahead boldly. (See Luke 19:28 note 1) Tomorrow: The Eternal Blessings in the Eternal Life   請我們先禱告 主,求你眷臨我們每一個人,並摸着我們,摸着我們的靈,使你能得着我們,我們也能得着你,使你有路為着你的恢復往前!   詩歌:176♫   今日經節及註解 路十九28~二十19 重點經節: 路19:28 耶穌看着他們說,那麼,經上寫着,"匠人所棄的石頭,已成了房角的頭塊石頭。"這是什麼意思?   填空(請用鼠標左鍵選擇空白處) 救主在前節完成了祂的職事,現在時候到了,祂必須上耶路撒冷去,為着(成就)神永遠的救贖,將自己交與神所命定的(死)。(見可十1注1與33注1。)祂雖知道猶太教的首領正在尋覓機會(殺害)祂,祂仍勇往(直前)。(參路十九28注1) 明天:永遠生命里的永遠福分
  為耶路撒冷哀哭 - theson 11/02/08 (149)
  凱進耶路撒冷 - theson 11/02/08 (209)
  耶利哥撒該得救 - theson 11/02/08 (149)
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