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送交者: beiqian 2015年12月20日02:26:06 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Do Muslims and Christians worship the same god? College suspends professor who said yes

12/19/2015 1:18 PM PST
Christians believe in the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God is three distinct Persons that are One in their nature or essence. The name "Elohim" has this connotation. It is the plural form of a singular word. If what you say is correct, why do Muslims consider the Trinity to be heresy?

Henry V
12/19/2015 10:17 AM PST [Edited]
Actually "Allah" was the name of the pagan god worshiped by the ancient Arabs. Muhammad simply expropriated the name, along with the Kaaba, when he created his new religion which fundamentally glorifies violence and lust. Islam is not remotely comparable to Christianity or Judaism in that regard. This professor gets and F and should be fired.

12/19/2015 8:37 AM PST
The professor's post contains multiple statements that show she misunderstands both Christianity and Islam.

First, mankind did not originate from a cave in South Africa. The Bible identifies Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization.

Second, Muslims do not use the term "people of the book" to refer to themselves. They use it to refer to Christians and Jews. Islam teaches that the Bible has been corrupted by man and cannot be trusted. Consequently, "people of the book" is a pejorative term.

Lastly, the God of the Bible and the god of the Quran are not the same. Islam teaches that allah is unknowable and does not condescend to speak directly with man. Christianity teaches that God can be personally known, desires a relationship with every person, and reveals Himself to anyone who seeks Him sincerely. Islam denies the divinity of Jesus, that He died on the cross, and that He was raised from the dead on the third day. Christianity teaches that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ proves that He is the Son of God. Islam teaches that allah is capricious and can lie by throwing a person into hell even after promising that he would send them to paradise for their good works. The Bible teaches that God does not lie and that there is no falsehood in Him. He is completely good, entirely true, and never contradicts His own nature. The God of the Bible saves the sinner who trusts in Him on the basis of His own love and grace, not on the basis of their good works or merit.
The professor's comments contradict Wheaton's statement of faith. Therefore, the college is justified in placing her on leave. I applaud Wheaton's decision. It shows they take the statement of faith, and the teachings of the Bible, seriously.







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