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紐約時報雜誌報道競爭共和黨總統候選人提名的Ted Cruz“對教會下注投他的票”(僅供參考)
送交者: beiqian 2016年02月03日16:14:36 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Ted Cruz’s Evangelical Gamble--The candidate’s strategy to win the White House depends on turning out millions of new religious votersNew York Times MagazineJan. 26,2016

        On Nov. 13, 2013, one year after his son was elected to the United States Senate, the pastor Rafael Cruz delivered a speech at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. The topic — ‘‘What does the Bible say about why Christians need to be involved in the political arena?’’ — was one of his favorites, and notably appropriate for a school founded by Jerry Falwell, who also founded Moral Majority, the once-powerful political action committee. Over the course of a 30-minute speech that touched on everything from the need for school prayer to the similarities between President Obama’s Washington and Fidel Castro’s Havana, the question of why slowly gave way to the question of who. The pastor concluded by telling his audience, ‘‘God is saying to you: ‘Vote for righteous people.’ ’’


Cruz’s campaign manager, Roe — a beefy veteran operative from Kansas City, Mo., with narrow, gleaming eyes — told me that by at least one unit of measurement, their tactics were already working. ‘‘In the word clouds we used to do before he announced, the words that always came up were ‘Texas,’ ‘Tea Party,’ ’’ Roe said confidently. ‘‘Now it’s ‘Christian,’  ‘evangelical,’ ‘conservative,’ ‘leader,’ ‘strong.’ ’’


‘I was looking up and seeing Joshua 24:15 on the wall,’’ Cruz said one morning in early January, to a crowd of 200 or so wedged among the shelves of a Christian bookstore in Boone, Iowa. Squinting, he read from the sign‘‘ ‘Choose you this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.’ And what a powerful reminder of values that Washington, D.C., seems to have forgotten. What a powerful reminder of the values that built this great country.’’





:維基百科對支持Ted Cruz “The Moral Majority”的介紹(僅供參考)









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