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Have you really understood the Bible?
送交者: 朱中卿 2017年05月29日20:17:49 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Have you really understood the Bible?


1.” Break all nations into a nation” need “He is a common saint of all religions”= on his head were many crowns”=” He can fulfill the prophecies of all religions at the same time”

The person who undertakes the task of "breaking all the countries for one country" undoubtedly should be the person who "leads all the religions" such that he can develop his work more convenient.


2. “Break all nations into a nation”need” the global leadership established by the savior”=” thousands of angels(thousands of nobles, thousands of leaders)”= “purchase people for God with lamb blood from every tribe and tongue and people and nation”=”144000”=” king of kings and Lord of Lords”=” The hierarchy of contribution”


3. Break all nations into a nation”need” theoretical guidance”need” The new Christ is a scholar and thinker”need”the book of Lamb”=” the word of God is powerful”= “the Wonderful Counselor” = “Seven corners, seven eyes”(By his own wisdom, not by God's revelation) “=” a new heaven and a new earth (the new social system)”


4.After” Break all nations into a nation”, the world will realize perpetual peace= “the Prince of Peace”


The new Christ has come in 2002.The book of Lamb has been published in 2016.


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