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送交者: 雅1 2017年08月07日05:51:59 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

“The Intercessor”


I’m quite certain all of you have felt this way . . . and I’ve very certain none of you like it.  No one likes to feel like they are all ALONE / like it’s you against the world / that everyone is ganging up on you and you are backed into a corner / you are isolated / no one is on your side and no one is there to defend you / no one understands what you are going through – and you are there, in a dark and lonely place . . . all by yourself. 

These dreadful feelings can lead people to react in fear; they do things they regret – perhaps even terrible things.  Suicide rates continue to rise – and it’s so sad when people feel utterly alone and that there’s no way out, and no one there who can understand or help them. 

We as Christians are not immune.  We as Christians often feel alone as well.  But we as Christians understand (or should understand) that feelings are not what truly matters . . . FACTS are. Even if we feel alone – the fact is: we are NOT alone.  God is with us always and He has a reason for every day that He wants us to be down here on this planet.  We have the Intercessor – and today we get a lesson from Romans on what that means. 

The best way (I could think of) to illustrate what that means is this: Think of a defence lawyer.  A defence attorney knows the legal system, knows how to deal with the judge and jury, knows how to speak the language of “legalese” and knows what to do to represent his client and get him the best possible outcome. 

From the moment we were adopted into God’s family by faith and through the Waters of Holy Baptism – we HAVE an Intercessor. He is on our side.  He represents us. He knows God’s mind and can speak His language.  He’s there for us 24/7 all the way through until we reach heaven’s shores.

Paul talks about Him here in Romans 8:26-27 (NIV 11) 

26 In the same way, [this follows the verses we looked at last week – as we wait patiently, clinging to the HOPE we have, at the same time:] the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, [that’s simply a FACT – so often we really don’t know what’s best to ask for, because we don’t know all the variables and what is truly the best thing or the best course of action. So, we always pray as Jesus taught us, “Thy will be done.”] but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. [Don’t think of the Holy Spirit groaning like a humpback whale here – a better or more accurate translation would be that He “makes urgent appeals with passionate words that you can’t even put into English”] 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, [The Intercessor knows God’s mindset / how God thinks and works – and He can operate on that supernatural level. You can see the mystery of the Trinity come through here in these verses.] because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

How could we Christians EVER forget this amazing truth?  The answer is right there in the text: we are WEAK.  The weakness we suffer from is not just physical or mental – when we get beaten down by life’s challenges and we’re worn out from suffering and struggling.

Our FAITH is weak. We slip into sin and bring trouble, guilt, and pain into our lives.  We fall for the devil’s traps and buy into his wicked lies – that choke and strangle our faith, and damage our relationships (both with God and with other people). We forget what God has said, done, and promised us. In our weakness God can seem so distant.  We can’t feel His love. We can’t hear Him speaking.  We can’t understand why He’s allowing things to happen – and He’s just not doing what we think our loving Heavenly Father should be doing. 

So . . . we get upset with Him; maybe even angry at Him!  It shows when people give up worshipping Him / give up on serving Him / give up on presenting Him with the best of our offerings, our time, our praise, and the honour that is due Him / give up on trying to act as the upright moral Christians that He wants us to be.   

And yet – in pure grace and mercy, HE never gives up on us. He – God Almighty – comes rushing to OUR aid!  We are nothing but weak sinners (dust and ashes) and yet He continues to serve as our Intercessor.  We could never pay Him enough to do this, and rather than PAY Him – we throw AT Him all our wretched sin and foolish complaints . . . but, God of all Grace, He comes to our side and is ALWAYS there to represent us. 

How do we know this is really true?  The WORD of GOD tells us the facts (and God can never lie) – those facts sustain us. We are the holy / righteous / perfect sons and daughters of God because of what Christ did!  His death paid for ALL our sins, and His resurrection brings us the status of being an innocent, redeemed, child of God.  The Word of God is never wrong – and you can trust with 100% certainty that your sins are forgiven / that heaven is your home / that the Intercessor is there at every moment of every day – working on your behalf and helping you through every step of life . . . until you stand before the Judge, and your Intercessor will be right there next to you – ensuring the verdict is “not guilty of any sin” – so that on that day, you will be welcomed directly into paradise, and remain there forever.   

Do you understand the incredible LESSON from Romans that is sitting here before you today?   If so, then you know what to do when you feel ALONE and life beats you up. Go back to the Word of God!  Don’t know where to go?  Go to the book of Romans and right there you will find all the lessons and the powerful promises that you need.  Go back to church!  Don’t know what church to go to?  Go to one that preaches and teaches only the Word of God in its truth and purity.  Go to be with fellow Christians who can serve as God’s instruments to help and support you!  Not sure where to find people like that?  They will be the people who love and treasure the Word of God, who study it, know it, and can direct you to those timeless lessons and rock-solid promises you need.  The Word of God alone has the power to change our feelings and our perspective on everything – which equips us to face anything!

TV, the newspapers, and the politicians are all telling us we need more tax dollars for more secular counselling and more hotlines – to combat the growing epidemic of suicide in our country.  The REAL problem is a lack of God’s Word, and a lack of Bible-believing Christians who know and understand God’s love, His Truth, His salvation, and the Intercessor who is ever present to fight on behalf of His children down here – and are willing to tell other people about Him. 

YOU know Him.  And so YOU are what the world around you really needs.  Be always on the lookout for people who need to hear this valuable truth. You know that, with the Holy Spirit in your corner, and the blood-bought forgiveness of all your sins – you have all the strength you’ll ever need to face anything you could ever have to face. Never forget this lesson from Romans today my friends – for you will need Him / the Intercessor – all of God’s children need what He does, and all those apart from God’s family need to hear and learn about Him.

You are, in fact, NEVER alone.  He will always be there for you, in your corner, standing up for you and fighting FOR you – with His Almighty knowledge and Power! 

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