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送交者: 職老 2017年10月11日19:49:07 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話


T is the starting point of all Western soteriology. Under the Protestant umbrella, Calvinism and Arminianism and everything in betweem. In the Roman Catholic Church, Thomism and Molinism and everything in between.

In the section dealing with T, it seems that you haven't dealt with the definition of T at all, which is that man (not just the Chosen in Christ, but everyone) is so fallen, so at enmity with God, that no one even wants to come to God, apart from the grace of God enabling them to do so. Your explanation appears to have bypassed the whole concept of T and went straight to Pelagius.

I may have understood you incorrectly. More clarification would be appreciated.


I guess you did not misundestand me but miss understand the meaning of "grace", the gift from my Lord, acutally his only son Jesus Christ, Amen! we do aprat from God by the sin from Adam the first "man-like" man, indeed, that is the only reason we depart from the creator, my lord, but not only from history also from now on if no salvation arised from Christ who is the man should be man before the creation. So, we not just apart from him but also was shamed to see him, so that when God call Adam: where are you? my boy. Adam could not answer him. We are in lack of his glory, we are never been back to man-kind even we do not have a chance to do so. based on that, how dear we can "blow" ourself to be selected by him? we only can sure we are not qualified to be selected, that is the totally so fallen as you decribed for the real meaning of "T" but I still guess it is not enough since it just the half part of the story since in the Old Testament we still see few as the righteous man, blameless,walked with God. How could it is possible???

In the Lord, nothing is impossible,and we do have Jesus Christ as the first man, the ONLY son of God,instead Adam,that it is the half part of "T", what I mean yesterday, a consecration like the Firstborn of Iseraelites of Moses.

And yes, God always look at us as a Child, like we look at our son and daughters as the childern who may have make many mistakes like Adam due to the misunderstand or even not obey the order from him, the parent.In this case, I always give them the second chance or evne the third one since there is the "hope". if such hope or understand has never happened, I still not punish them since the punishment come from itself. I do lose my "temp" as the angry father to Israel but will never lose my hope and love.So, God is doing the same thing to us and he attributes his ONLY son to us. Amen! that is the most important part of "T" and from "T" to "P".

As Jesus Christ say to the blind man: your faith saves you.

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