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神人的生活_God-man Living上
送交者: 克利西亞 2024年01月08日08:59:53 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

神人的生活_God-man Living


What’s the God-man living? The God-man living of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels, that should be the pattern of believers.


The desire of Triune God's heart is that "the reality…in Jesus"the actual condition of the God-man living of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels, would be duplicated in the many members of Christ's Body by the Spirit of reality to become the reality of the Body of Christ, the highest peak in God's economy


The four Gospels show the pattern of the life that God desires, the mold of the life that can satisfy God and fulfill His purpose; Jesus lived a life in which He did everything in God, with God, and for God; God was in His living, and He was one with God; this is what is meant by the reality is in Jesus; to learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus is to be molded into the pattern of Christ, to be conformed to the image of Christ.


We are being perfected by the Lord to be God-men, living the divine life by denying our natural life according to the model of Christ as the first God-man.


In His life on earth He set up a pattern, as revealed in the four Gospels; then He was crucified and resurrected to become the life-giving Spirit so that He might enter into us to be our life; we learn from Him according to His example, not by our natural life but by Him as our life in resurrection.


Our Christian life is a life in Christ and also a life of Christ in us; we are in Christ as the mold, and He is in us as our life; in this way we learn Christ as the reality is in Jesus; this reality is the reality of the Body of Christ.


As we love the Lord, contact Him, and pray to Him, we automatically live Him according to the mold, the form, the pattern, described in the Gospels; in this way we are shaped, conformed, to the image of this mold—this is what it means to learn Christ.


When we live in the mingled spirit, we are learning Christ according to the reality in Jesus by the Spirit of reality; we learn from Him as our model so that His biography becomes our history; the living of the Body of Christ as the new man should be exactly the same as the living of Jesus revealed in the Gospels.


Sending the Lord Jesus to be a man was for Him to live a God-man life by the divine life; when we eat Him, we live because of Him to become a universal great man who is exactly the same as He is—a man living a God-man life by the divine life.


The only life that is pleasing to God is the life that is a repetition of the life Christ lived on the earth; this is a life that experiences Christ in His experiences as the burnt offering.


The burnt offering typifies Christ in His living a life that is absolutely for God and for God's satisfaction; the burnt offering also typifies Christ in His being the life that enables God's people to have such a living.


The word translated "burnt offering" denotes something that is ascending; this ascending refers to Christthe only thing that can ascend to God from earth is the life lived by Christ, for He is the unique person to live a life that is absolutely for God.


The burnt offering was "a satisfying fragrance to Jehovah" (Lev. 1:9); the Hebrew words translated "satisfying fragrance" literally mean "savor of rest or satisfaction"; a satisfying fragrance is a savor that brings satisfaction, peace, and rest; such a satisfying fragrance is an enjoyment to God.


By laying our hands on Christ as our burnt offering through the proper prayer, we are joined to Him, and He and we become one; as Christ lives in us, He repeats in us the life He lived on earth, the life of the burnt offering.


In such a union, such an identification, all our weaknesses, defects, and faults are taken on by Him.


We must allow the Lord to burn us so that we may be a continual burnt offering to burn others and be reduced to ashes to become the New Jerusalem for God's expression.


The ashes signify Christ reduced to nothing; since we are one with the Christ who has been reduced to ashes, we also are reduced to ashes, that is, reduced to nothing, to zero.


The more we are identified with Christ in His death, the more we will realize that we have become a heap of ashes; when we become ashes, we are no longer a natural person; instead, we are a person who has been crucified, terminated, burned.


Putting the ashes at the east side of the altar, the side of the sunrise, is an allusion to resurrection.


With Christ as the burnt offering, the ashes are not the end— they are the beginning; the ashes mean that Christ has been put to death, but the east signifies resurrection.


The more we are reduced to ashes in Christ, the more we will be put to the east, and on the east we will have the assurance that the sun will rise and that we will experience the sunrise of resurrection.


Eventually, the ashes will become the New Jerusalem.Christ's death brings us to an end, reduces us to ashes, and in resurrection the ashes become precious materials for God's building.


When we are reduced to ashes, we are brought into the transformation of the Triune God to become the precious materials for the building of Jerusalem.

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神人的生活_God-man Living


神人的生活_God-man Living

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