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That’s Karen Armstrong
送交者: gems 2006年08月11日06:51:43 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

PhD from Oxford in English literature. Chief Religion editor for BBC.
She’s ok. But religion is not really her specialty. And she still looks all religions from a western standpoint. She would STRONGLY disagree with my comments on her. But being someone grew up outside western culture, I think I have some advantages.

About Islam (we just had a religious dialog between people of the Book (Christian, Jew and Muslin) for young adults in my Diocese 2 weeks ago).

If you want to understand Islam, please find some books written by practicing Muslims. Just like it is ridiculous to learn Christianity from Anti-Christian books or learn Catholicism from ex-Catholics.

Some books the Imam recommended in the talk:

The Meaning Of The Holy Quran: Holy Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali

Muhammad (Critical Lives) by Yahiya Emerick, Yahiya J. Emerick

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