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Was Jesus against the Temple?
送交者: MDT 2008年12月08日08:47:07 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
Yes, if you read the Gospels carefully, you will find that Jesus cursed the Temple: he predicted the ruin of the Temple. Most christians took it for granted. But to most jews, or orthodox jews during Jesus's time, it was outrageous the son of god is cursing the ruin of his father's spectular dwelling palace. But not to some other jews, who formed a small, fringe group. Because they never believed that god is limited to a central locality called Temple. To them, the authentic jewish god is everywhere and never needs a house. A monumental temple was anything but jewish. In fact, Solomon got the crazy idea to build a single temple for god from the egyptians, or to be more accurately, from his foreign wives. Or to put it more more accurately, Solomon got this idea from his real ambition, that is to control, politically, economically, and religiously, all jews or isrealites around the region and beyond. If you have one temple and destroy all the others, then you are not only controlling a temple, but also you are controlling God. In other words, Solomon monopolized God through the so-called The Temple. Jesus belonged to a sect that has been challenging the monopoly of The Temple. Now, you understand why Jesus wanted to see The Temple ruined and god can be released from his confinement forever. Even today, there are jews who are fiercely against the re-construction of The Temple, because to them, The Temple has always been against the true God. hehe.
  You are missing the point - gems 12/08/08 (339)
    I do not just read the Bible, - MDT 12/08/08 (317)
      My specialty is history. - gems 12/08/08 (287)
        Is it? I was shocked by you - MDT 12/08/08 (296)
          If u are interested in learn - gems 12/08/08 (298)
            why so serious? - mean 12/08/08 (142)
            Gimme a break, hehe, are there - MDT 12/08/08 (302)
              If u are serious about history - gems 12/08/08 (270)
                BTW, even Jesus was - MDT 12/08/08 (182)
                  ever==never  /无内容 - MDT 12/08/08 (156)
                your logic went astray again. - MDT 12/08/08 (218)
                  I give up - gems 12/08/08 (246)
                    You often wrote history as - MDT 12/08/08 (217)
                      To make it fair, I am not accu - MDT 12/08/08 (241)
  there is no end - mean 12/08/08 (175)
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