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送交者: theson 2009年05月17日14:50:36 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
  请我们先祷告 主,我们不信靠自己所作的。我们信靠你的怜悯,我们信靠你的祝福。我们信靠你的话,那活的话。我们信靠你的灵,那包罗万有的灵!   诗歌:259♫   今日经节及注解 来十一1~19 重点经节: 来11:1 信就是所望之事的质实,是未见之事的确证。   填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) 希伯来十一章一节的“质”字是作动词用,即将未见之本质的实际(质实)出来。这就是(信)的作为。所以说,信是(所望之事)的质实。 凡盼望之事,都是(未见)之事。(罗八24~25。)我们是有盼望的人,生活的(目标)不该放在所见的,乃该放在所不见的;因为所见的是(暂时)的,所不见的才是(永远)的。(林后四18。)因此,我们行事为人,是凭着(信心),不是凭着(眼见)。(参来十一1注3、注4) 明天:借着信得了美好的见证 Faith Is the Substantiation of Things Hoped for ¡¡ Let's Pray: Lord, we do not trust in what we do. We trust in Your mercy. We trust in Your blessing. We trust in Your Word, the living Word. We trust in Your Spirit, the all-inclusive Spirit. ¡¡ Hymn:333 ¡¡ Today's Verses and Footnotes: Heb. 11:1-19 Key Verse: Heb. 11:1 Now faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. ¡¡ Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) The word substantiate is substance in verb form; to substantiate is to (give) (substance) to the reality of the substance not seen. This is the action of (faith). Therefore, it says here that faith is the substantiation of (things) (hoped) for. All things hoped for are things (not) (seen) (Rom. 8:24-25). As people of hope, we should (aim) our life not at the things that are seen but at the things that are not seen; for the things that are seen are (temporary), but the things that are not seen are (eternal)(2 Cor.4:18). Hence, we walk by (faith), not by (appearance). (See Heb. 11:1 note 2, note 5) Tomorrow: Having Obtained a Good Testimony through Faith
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