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送交者: freshwind 2004年02月10日09:53:52 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話


其實達爾文先生一直是個基督徒,畢業於劍橋三一學院的牧師,有雄厚的神學基礎。怎麼會不知道自己偉大的科學理論是否與神的話語衝突呢?但在他原著中的確沒有提到任何進化論與聖經矛盾的說法。這不是害怕不害怕的問題。作為英皇家學會資深科學家,他在學術界和神學界的權威在當時是無人能比的(從孟德爾的理論被埋沒50多年就可看出) 。

為什麼?事實很簡單:進化論(EVOLUTION) 和創造論(CREATION) 本來就沒有衝突。兩者不是互為矛盾,而是互為補充。只要本着科學求實的態度仔細讀達爾文原著的人都不難發現這點。至少能看出達爾文先生對創造論所持的肯定和合理性態度。例如在The Descent of Man結論中達爾文寫到:

I am aware that the conclusions arrived at in this work will be denounced by some as highly irreligious; but he who denounces them is bound to shew why it is more irreligious to explain the origin of man as a distinct species by descent from some lower form, through the laws of variation and natural selection, than to explain the birth of the individual through the laws of ordinary reproduction. The birth both of the species and of the individual are equally parts of that grand sequence of events, which our minds refuse to accept as the result of blind chance. The understanding revolts at such a conclusion, whether or not we are able to believe that every slight variation of structure,- the union of each pair in marriage, the dissemination of each seed,- and other such events, have all been ordained for some special purpose.

又如在The Origin of Species前言中達爾文總結創造論的研究成果時寫到:

The 'Philosophy of Creation' has been treated in a masterly manner by the Rev. Baden Powell, in his "Essays on the Unity of Worlds,' 1855. Nothing can be more striking than the manner in which he shows that the introduction of new species is "a regular, not a casual phenomenon,' or, as Sir John Herschel expresses it, 'a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous, process.'

只要仔細讀達爾文原著,不難看出達爾文先生終生最大的科學追求和成就是“發現了神創的進化機制” 。這在他老人家原著中表達得非常清楚。可惜被後輩的沽名釣譽者利用了。而產生這種進化論(EVOLUTION) 和創造論(CREATION) 的無聊爭戰---這對科學和神學都是有害無益的。




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