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送交者: beiqian 2013年06月30日08:38:49 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

(for your reference)

Our Role in the Nation We Love(by Dr. Charles Stanley)


Freedom is one of the most-prized  human ideals, and as Americans, we are blessed to live in a nation where we can  serve God with unreserved obedience. Throughout our great history, people have  fought and given their lives to be liberated from tyranny. We know that the  rights and privileges we enjoy today have come at an awesome price.

So as we consider the price our Founding  Fathers paid to sign the Declaration of Independence and provide us with national  autonomy so many years later, I challenge you to consider both the freedom from  oppression we enjoy in the United States, and the liberty from sin we have  through Jesus Christ our Savior.

These are important subjects to  consider because as our nation faces one crisis after another, we must be wise  and watchful. The decisions being made and the direction the country will take  in the months and years ahead are sure to impact many generations to come. If  we continue to make the mistake of surrendering control of our lives and  country to those who act contrary to God’s Word, we will find ourselves bound  by the same chains our forefathers cast off so long ago.

That is why  it is critically important for all Americans to seek and obey God, because it’s  only through Him that we have true liberty to live life at its best.

Therefore, the first thing we need to do is make the  choice to put the Lord first in everything we do. We must  reject the destructive ways of the world and choose to live in submission to our  heavenly Father (John 8:34–36).

Second,  we must trust God to change the course and character of our nation. We are to be salt and light in  our communities, stepping out in obedience with the faith that He will hear  from heaven and heal our land (2 Chron. 7:14).

Third,  we are to fight this battle for America’s future on our knees. It is our duty as Christians to  pray for our leaders in the hope that they will turn their hearts to do the  will of God. Only He can transform them into men and women who will truly honor  Him (1 Tim. 2:1–4).

We may not know who the next  president will be or who will hold the seats of power throughout the land in  the years to come, but we do know the King of kings and the Lord of lords. So  let us embrace the freedom He’s given us and thank Him for liberating us to  live for His name’s sake. May He bless you as you continue to serve Him with  love and faithfulness, and may God continue to bless America.


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