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The latest ESPN
送交者: gsmg 2008月08月30日21:00:41 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答: vf: 盤點奧運 - 這次奧運我們得到了什麼vf 於 2008-08-29 18:16:36
from ESPN SEPT 2008:

"during the first week, the grey,grainy beijing pollution of nation's dash to prosperity......the government grants the freedom to shop, butnot always the freedom to speak......."

"American cyclist were advised to wear masks for their health, then forced to apologize the Chinese government for donning them at airport.Nobody at beijing police station could provide crime statistics for the area when Todd Bachman, father-in-law of US volleyball coach, Hugh McCutcheon, was murdered. The crime itself was barely reported in official media, trumped by daily medal count."

"china's citizens, after all, sacrificed much for these games, and few had chance to see any of the events they'd anticipated for years. Access to venues and tickets was limited, even though plazas and seats remained empty despite a "sold-out" Olympics...."

my comments:
Even if the Chinese Government tried very hard to show the "new face" to the world..but, most of the images after the games still are negative......
  ESPN, CNN,只要縮寫里有N的就會negative - 南天門 08/31/08 (199)
  First, they think you are a - 襪販 08/30/08 (151)
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