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送交者: ztyixia 2008月09月07日17:47:06 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 似乎目前没有权威消息说他要手术。重庆崽儿 于 2008-09-07 17:36:09
Yahoo Sports' Michael Silver and WEEI in Boston both report that Tom Brady will miss the rest of the season due to a torn ACL.
"It’s bad," a Patriots team source said. "We’re going to have to play without him." Other sources told Silver that Brady's injury could include more ligament and cartilage damage. Fantasy owners should not make a move with Brady until it's confirmed elsewhere, but it seems certain that Brady is done. Obviously, it's devastating news for the entire Patriots offense. Matt Cassel takes over and should be claimed in all leagues. He's got an easy schedule and the best weapons in the league. Sep. 7 - 7:15 pm et
  那阿黛的儿子不要伤心死了? /无内容 - 重庆崽儿 09/07/08 (101)
    我更伤心啊.如果那70多刀买成 - 阿黛 09/07/08 (128)
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