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送交者: rednose 2009月05月01日12:28:42 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 大周末的,還是討論討論火箭胡人的比賽吧老糊塗3 於 2009-05-01 10:04:41
While Blazer fans get credit for being the best in the league, Houston fans are not close behind. Late in Game 6 against Portland, Artest was flying down the court to provide defense and streaked a dozen rows into the crowd.

Yes, the same Artest who was once suspended 73 games for climbing into the stands and throwing down with Detroit Pistons fans.

This time, though, no beers were launched, no punches were landed, and no suspensions were doled out. Instead, Artest reveled in the crowd, remaining seated for nearly thirty seconds as fans swarmed around him.

“Well, I’ve been in the stands before,” Artest said with a laugh after the game. “A guy offered me a beer — but he wasn’t throwing it at me. I could’ve taken a (expletive), but there were too many cameras.”
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