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I was an NBA fan for 10 years
送交者: CyberCat 2009月05月10日08:38:05 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 最简单的结果就是我对NBA的性趣大减。现在我也就看看icecold 于 2009-05-10 06:21:10
I was watching almost every NBA games broadcasted. I was read every piece of news with respect to those so-called NBA stars or, even non-stars. And I was a zealous participants of Salon FNBA every season. That was until that disgusting 4th qtr in game 3 of the Heat vs. Mavs championship series. Since then I haven't watch a single NBA game, in its entirety, regardless whether it was playoff, or Rox. I am no longer a player in FNBA. I still read some NBA news, but not on a regular basis. For that matter, I don't call myself an NBA any more.
    新警察,鉴定完毕 :) - 周老虎 05/10/09 (240)
      怎么黑的呀? - 阿胖~ 05/10/09 (252)
        Well, at he end of that game - ymfan 05/10/09 (222)
          吼吼,这是造星的登峰造极啊!  /无内容 - 阿胖~ 05/10/09 (171)
        那年小魏有点沾衣十八跌的味道  /无内容 - 周老虎 05/10/09 (209)
          我还以为是今年的事哪:)  /无内容 - 阿胖~ 05/10/09 (134)
  I'm with you, - ymfan 05/10/09 (114)
  10年的青春啊!就这么被忽悠了 - 周老虎 05/10/09 (145)
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2007: 酣战波兰前乒乓球国手 (上)
2007: NBA‘头号’球迷,我的老母亲
2006: 太阳对快艇。
2006: 路边社:痛批老沙五条
2005: 火箭输了,输的好
2005: 老范果然和NBA没事了
2004: 西藏行(1)
2004: 写在马刺大比分失利之后