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內赫米亞夸劉翔身長腿短的好處是 (提上來回滿兄)
送交者: 直背 2006年12月15日07:53:23 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話






1.89m high, weighing 82kg, has "a long body frame but short legs" Therefore it is easier for him to NEGOTIATE his smaller legs over the hurdles,"unlie more leggy man like Arnold and Trammell."All this is done by having extremely glexible hips," conclude Nehemiah.

...But specifically what is tghe key to Liu Xiang's sucess as a hurdler?
"He is technically sound. His basic flat speed is not as good as the other guys which means that he can race the hurdles at his TOP speed without fear of going too fast. ... can just concentrate on his technique, cleaning the hurdles low."

"His opponents are much quicker flat sprinters but that speed is a DISADVANTAGE for them."

The big men have always to adjust their speed b/c they try to go too fast and by mid-race the hurdles start to come too quick on them for them to cope and hurdle cleanly ... they have to make continue adjustments to their speed ... Too much speed killed Arnold, Doucoure adn the rest yesterday."

By contrast, Liu xiang cna use his full velocity in a race, he doesn't have to make any adjustment and so can concetrate on staying low over the barriers." He has learnt to "shuffle perfectly" between the hurdles.

Howver, "add another half a yard in the space between the barriers" and the balance would go back in the favour of the men with faster flat speed. "They would be unstoppable."

(BTW,欄距是30FT, 9米14,起跑欄距是45英尺,13米72,欄高3尺6,1米06)。


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