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10 things you want to know about the draft.
送交者: Madeira 2005年10月21日06:32:28 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

League commissioner Man-in-his-42 (aka who-can-be-madder) regulated that every team must have
at least 2 articles before entering tonight's much anticipated 2nd annual FNBA manual draft in salon. Team ops, up to now, however, has only put down one article, so here, before the rush hour, comes the second one and hopefully it will stir some turbulence and create some chaoes around the league and thus leave the No. 1 fast-hand in Russia, Dr. Kournikov enough time to grab the best players in team ops's list.

With that being said, reading the following is at your own risk. Team ops, assumes no responsibility
of whatsoever kind.

1) PG or Center? That is the question.

PG, although a nickname for the rear-end, esp. for Sir Barkeley, is indeed the brain of a team. On the other hand, the Center of a team, usually the tallest in a team, as opposing to PG's shortness, is sometimes considered the foundation as a team, much like the real "rear hand" of a human body. So, who are you going to choose first? The "brain-PG" or the "foundation-C"?
With the lineup setting as PG, SG, G, SF, F, PF, C, C, and U. big men should have gotten the better hand.

2) Schedule, Schedule, Schedule!

But before circling down your favorite players, check the schedule first! Although Week 1 is as important as Week 2, and all the way to Week 22, the play-off schedule in the following 3.5 weeks are more decision-affecting. There are as many Kobe-haters as Kobe-lovers in this forum. But, hey, if I tell you that LAL has the worst schedule in the play-off, are U still going to pick Kobe as your No. 1 choice without hesitation?

If you are GuYu and ShaZhiZhou, the self-claimed Laker's die-hard fans, you better do. And you can tell yourself that "No Guts, no glory!"

3) T-Mac or Duncan?

Both are all-around players. Both are their team leaders. Both are lethal. And both are your dream players and you would like to have both in your line-up. But sorry, the other 9 teams share the same feeling as you do.

So, who are you going to choose?

Again, with the setting of double C and C, Tim will eclipse T-Mac.

Simply put, you can get another T-Mac in Kobe or Vince Carter, but another Tim? Hell no!

4) So, what do I do in my 3rd and 4th picks?

All righty, after the first 2 rounds, everybody more or less get their favorite top 2 players. But you can not relax now. To win the war, the 3rd and 4th pick are as important as the first two rounds.

The league now would have many equal-caliber players. Do not fool youself with the ranking at this stage. No. 21 and No. 40 are not that apart as KG and Ron Artest. Choose players location-wise, instead of ranking-wise. Category players in PG,G,SG,GF,SF,F,PF,FC,and C and say if player M, is the last player in his category in this range 21-40, then grab it. Always remember, in a integrated system, the worst part decide how good a product is!

5) What is next? What do I do with my No. 5 and 6 picks?

All right, you have gone through the torture!

By then, there are still a myriad of solid players left in the open Market. Some of them may explode in some given day and outporm your best players. But, you got to remember that "Everydog has his own day."

So, to choose which dog to add to your backyard, find the most consistent ones.
You do not want to have a stubborn pet, do you?

6) Why do not you tell me you got your left big toe hurt again, Mr. Shaq O'neal?

Here we go! You got the players you really like and other really envy. But he suddenly decide his body needs more care! You get so frustrated and to fine him and it is by now you fully understand Mr. Cuban's attitude toward the old-good man Mr. Fenley.

So, check up the last 3-5 season's health record of your players. And if I were you, I would really doubt the leathality of AK47 and the availability of Camby!

Remember, after all, you are not a philantropist.

7) Becareful when thinking of Ron Artest and Alston.

He is strong. He is good! He is your dream!

But, his temper, his realtionship with the coach......

Wow! Just too many grey unknowns for these players. Go for alternatives if there are ones, otherwise, keep your finger crossed.

8) Do not overlook rookies.

These are young players. They have every reason to play 120% to prove themselves. If you are lucky, you might get a gem or two from these virgin land.

Especially if you are looking for big men, this year's rookie pool is really a mine.

9) Amare Stourdmare, should I go (for him) or should I stay (away)!

If AS comes back in 16 weeks from now, he can still make great contribution to the last 7 weeks in the regular season and if your team makes to the final. Oh, Gosh! 80% chance you will capture
the thrown.

So, if you are after dramatic turn around, it is worth to put some stake on him in the 5th or 6th round!

10) So, what are you waiting for?

You just read the most comprehensive analysis for directing your draft coming in less than 3.5 hours. So, go and change your plans.

But, I must confess, the sole purpose of this post is really to bewilder your guys and buy our team a better position.

And believe it or not, the FNBA is indeed at the corner now.

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