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Roubini can "talk the talk",
送交者: 小寒* 2008月10月29日20:18:45 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我怎麼感覺,deflation將要發生,6degrees 於 2008-10-29 13:26:59
we have to "walk the walk". Roubini said in 2006 that the market will crash, had we listened to him and shorted the market in 2006, we would have gone broke long before we could short.
As traders, we have monthly revenue targets to meet, we try to catch market waves to make $, long or short.
I don't pay too much attention to terms like "inflation", "deflation", "hyperinflation", "PO", etc. I just try to follow the flows, try to use common sense, and listen to 菩薩 tells me. :-)
菩薩 says this move has more legs in it, so I will give it a couple of more days, but definately will sell.

GN :-)
  let us know when your 菩薩 - egghead1 10/30/08 (184)
    I'm not sure about gas cracks - 小寒* 10/31/08 (144)
  I think majority of investors - 6degrees 10/30/08 (232)
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