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which higher low? if i'm
送交者: ItsScheme 2008月11月07日13:16:48 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Will Monday move higher? Idoublebb 於 2008-11-07 13:00:36
right, you mean today's low? today's low is only for intraday today. A higher low must be a wave low. Such as yesterday's low compares with last Tue low. and today is an inside bar. It indicates indecision of the market but the continuation of current trend (last 2 days were down trend). so monday up or down is a wide guess.

trading has little to do with news if those are regular news release. i've said that before many times. only when really big news like in Oct not many traders expected then market will response it.
  actually, the 2:30 drop - Yani 11/07/08 (293)
    oh, well. traders always have - ItsScheme 11/07/08 (228)
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