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送交者: deliver 2014月04月09日18:31:01 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我還準備明後天jeffdye 於 2014-04-09 17:41:01

那裡。 但我肯定會在tza低於14.5加頭一筆, 在sqqq在50以下再加, tza和sqqq到那時或許還要掉, 但到那價位風險應不大了。

有人下面這麼說, 很多時候不准, 但看看無妨

The S&P 500 rallied 20 points higher hitting the high of 1872.43. Prices recently broke over the 21 day moving average and bounced off the 50 day moving average from yesterday's lows. Traders need to watch for attempts at the 1890 to 1903 range again as prices make an attempt at new highs.
As we mentioned in our prior commentary we believe there could be changes of trend that could occur on or around April 16 or 17th April 21 or 22nd. If prices break through the 1900 range prices should accelerate hitting around 1930 to 1934.


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