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short term bounce on 3/30?
送交者: deliver 2015月03月25日18:45:37 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: further action to downsidedeliver 於 2015-03-24 19:44:47

The S&P 500 sold off dramatically just had we predicted in a prior commentaries as well as the other indexes the Dow and the NASDAQ where we had tried to explain that the NASDAQ was over extended and overbought based upon prior history and that we were at a 15 year cycle from the prior.com boom top that was only about 100 points away from that all-time high. We are seeing a dramatic movement here and we believe this will accelerate and get much worse and break down dramatically potentially bringing the S&P back down to the 1800 level and may be as far down as 1600 on the short term. Traders need to watch for a short-term temporary change in trend potentially on March 30 or 31st. we believe that this is a low it will be a short-term bounce and then we will start to see further acceleration to the downside. Traders need to obviously watch the 2045 pivot level and any break there I believe we move easily into 2000 to 1990 range where it will be vital that we hold. Any break there and I do believe we could see those further low ranges down to the 1800 or much worse the prior tops during the 2007 high of 1576.

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