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局外等候的資金is bullshit
送交者: k19 2009月01月18日11:32:49 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: TO K19,先謝了。童泥 於 2009-01-18 08:50:11
There is no 局外等候的資金.

The people smart enough to get out in time will not put their money back in right now. Most don't even have money.

The thing is, yes it will get cheaper, yes it will be good time to buy. But the problem for most people is that they will not have cash when we hit the buttom. They will keep on taking money out from the market to keep on living. There will be more madoff showing up on the screen. So the money on the sideline is just bullshit. You think people taking their money out when unemployment was 6% will put the money back when unployment hits 7.2 and going higher? hehehe.

In the bear maret you don't want to go long. All you do is looking for better entry to short.
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