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送交者: deliver 2015月07月26日18:05:00 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 第八屆股壇大師賽金牌榜【第3周】穿牆屁 於 2015-07-26 11:58:59
The S&P 500 continued to sell off as we predicted, as prices broke through the 2100 range moving toward the low of 2077.09. Traders need to watch for any break of the 2072 level as we would believe that prices should move towards the 2045 and possibly break the 2040 range. Any break in the 2040 range and we should see a 40 point drop to 50 point drop to 2000 or 1990. Traders need to be mindful of the of change in trend potentially for August 6 or 7th, so traders need to be mindful of that in their future trading.
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一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
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