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i hear what you say,
送交者: ItsScheme 2009月02月22日12:13:44 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Nopek19 於 2009-02-22 11:32:10
you may not shorted at bottom, but people will assume you shorted near the bottom since you showed up here near the bottom. and we also see others shorted bottom and try to give advise to everyone on every topic.

right, when officals say we are fine, we should be cautious. when officals say we are in trouble, then indeeded we are in deep trouble and it is not far away from a relief rally or so called cyclical bull, of course technical conformation needed before one jumps in both foot.
  whatever you say man. - k19 02/22/09 (236)
    no worry, nobody is going to - ItsScheme 02/22/09 (224)
      Thanks buddy. - k19 02/23/09 (213)
        I am so happy to see - 水滴~ 02/23/09 (226)
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