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I hear you , another negative
送交者: sql 2009月03月27日17:36:42 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: I wrote this on Economistkcho1348 于 2009-03-27 16:29:10

I didn't spend too much time to explain my position about the Fed's bold action. I admit it's a very dangerous move. But if a patients heart stop pomping, you don't just give him soft hug, rather you give him a shot of high voltage electricity. Will you do that to a normal person? No, right.

All you said in some extend is true. But do you have a better solution then Fed, or Treasury, or Obama? Or it's like what I read from your article, if I didn't mis-read, that you already threw the towl and packed with a ticket to China?
  It is not about negative or - k19 03/27/09 (424)
    Here are what I see - kcho1348 03/29/09 (367)
      Madoff thing is not surprise - k19 03/29/09 (202)
      Totally agree. - k19 03/29/09 (309)
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