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right for short term. but
送交者: han526 2009月03月29日11:25:01 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 太陽明天照常升起--從短期到中短期看美國經濟sql 於 2009-03-26 19:08:28
Long term prospect may not be that clear. The problem is that there is not clear path for US economy. US depend on borrowing for the past prosperity. The current stimulus package is still borrowing-borrow from future. When economy set on a firm foot, what will happen next? IT initiated the first growth, housing bubble foot the next growth. What is the next engine? Plus Baby boomer is another drag. So the future is not all that clear.
  that's why I said從短期到中短期 /無內容 - sql 03/29/09 (254)
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