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It depends....
送交者: 小寒* 2009月05月13日09:46:59 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Dollar Could Slump?Seawaves 於 2009-05-13 08:56:31
I think the more people sense that US is coming out of the reccession, the faster US$ will weaken. If the reccession worsens, US$ will stay strong for a longer period of time.
  我覺得不是會不會,而是 - 6degrees 05/13/09 (585)
    同意是時間問題. - 小寒* 05/13/09 (521)
      二位覺得大市還會不會有一波上漲? - Seawaves 05/13/09 (571)
        會吧, 可能會回去探SP900-910, 但是 - 小寒* 05/13/09 (606)
          高,果如你所言 - Seawaves 05/14/09 (395)
            瞎撞的 Seavaves, doublebb,egghead - 小寒* 05/14/09 (447)
              rebounce looks very week today - doublebb 05/14/09 (240)
              可能還得在880-900之間震盪一天 - Seawaves 05/14/09 (213)
              ah, I have not been watching - egghead1 05/14/09 (233)
              嘿, 我是說我是"瞎撞的." 少了個句號.  /無內容 - 小寒* 05/14/09 (240)
          agree, in the line of MA50  /無內容 - doublebb 05/13/09 (198)
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