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華爾街被“淹” 華人精英哪去了?
送交者: k19 2008年12月02日23:26:24 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
華人精英? totally bullshit. These idiots are highly educated and totally in the game. Professionals!!! And they lost their assss. Totally losers.
  真想知道? - 靈機不動 12/03/08 (243)
    Make sure you can - k19 12/04/08 (151)
    “靈機不動”,好名,名中蘊有道家思想  /無內容 - 枯木朽株 12/04/08 (120)
      謝謝。這年頭取個名不容易,筐里只剩蘊有道家思想的了。  /無內容 - 靈機不動 12/04/08 (139)
  Why are you so excited and ... - 福村 12/03/08 (252)
    why I am so excited? - k19 12/03/08 (214)
      "Depression is comming"??? Ca - 福村 12/04/08 (205)
        gee, did i stepped on your - k19 12/04/08 (198)
  這世界除了K19,哪裡還有精英? - 6degrees 12/03/08 (408)
    I am 精英, but why chinese want - k19 12/03/08 (243)
    Nah, I can type chinese too. - k19 12/03/08 (194)
      Hope your wife can understand - 福村 12/04/08 (160)
        You english is perfect - k19 12/04/08 (163)
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