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Why market drop 5% today?
送交者: ItsScheme 2009年02月10日15:43:57 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
don't know? We know! We have this all in our site and we shorted in last 2 sessions. If you've spent Ten United States American Dollars monthly fee, you can avoid this costly mistake, plus you even made some money. 10 Bucks is still too expensive or just because the service is not good enough? or our calls missed market by miles? or you expect that everything should be free? or it is not for you? or? Don't be so cheap! You are losing the gold nugget while tring keep the small potato. Once againg, our monthly fee will be increased to Thirty United States American Dollars from Mar 1, 2009. However, you can still register through the trading section of our site and pay monthly fee of only Ten United States American Dollars till Jun 30.
    咱開的是(陪養)技員, 是陪養革命的接班人的地方。  /無內容 - efinancialgame 02/12/09 (136)
  At least you have to show us - 陸小民 02/10/09 (327)
    Should i bring my lawyer with - ItsScheme 02/12/09 (147)
    他是有一身飛檐走壁火中取栗的本事 - Yani 02/11/09 (235)
      那也不應該到牆角邊來鍛煉啊,  - efinancialgame 02/12/09 (150)
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