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Nice try but...
送交者: laotzi 2008月09月23日16:23:58 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: To answer your first questionNoWorry 于 2008-09-23 12:15:00
1.You might say,"SOB,this is my country". Those people will laugh in your face and say," Look in the mirrow, you are a f*cking Chinaman.Go back to China". Personally I have no problem going back to Asia as long as all those people Mr.No Worry so admired also go back to where they came from. Whites go back to Europe; Blacks go back to Africa; Hispanics go back to Latin America. We should all leave this land and give the country back to Native Americans who are the real Americans before the white settlers decimated them and marginalized them to subsist in " Indian Reseravations". How the Native Americans are treated remain the most shameful piece of US history.
2. America has fought a war under every President. You son might be sent to some far away land to fight in worthless wars. You defend America by fighting a war in America. You dont' defend America by fighting in Iraq, Vietnam, Grenada, Somalia, Sudan, etc. That's called "invasion". That's why Ron Paul is my choice for President and not McCain or Obama.
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