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please be fare to the writer
送交者: Bewareit 2009月02月08日15:04:30 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: You're disgusting!malabaz 於 2009-02-08 11:36:11
Are you crazy? It is obvious that the costco employee was wrong. That employee was biased and wrongfully accused the writer of stealing their merchandise (in fact she’s trying to limit the store’s damage). The writer’s action was reasonable in my opinion. If it happened on some other people, it is very likely that they might seek much more expensive compensation or go to court for million dollar compensation or go to media. And I think this writer did not seek a great compensation and she only asked for an apology from the accuser. If you were to get such wrongful accusation, would you ask for an apology? And you think that’s disgusting?
  Good!!! /無內容 - littlemirror 02/08/09 (149)
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