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There is no pretty girls in 武漢.
送交者: wiseguy 2008月06月18日11:55:39 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 女理髮師唯一 於 2008-06-18 11:47:46
There is no pretty girls in 武漢.

I was there years back and was outside for the whole day. I could not see one single
pretty girl for the whole day. There was no pretty girls in 武漢. Of course, I'm
from Chengdu, where you walk out for 5 minutes and there is a chance you will see
more than 6 pretty girls.

Sorry 唯一 mm.
  I’d refine the wording a bit. /無內容 - vibes 06/18/08 (163)
  I’d refine the wording a bit. /無內容 - vibes 06/18/08 (172)
  肯定是跟打扮和氣質有關 - 數據清潔工 06/18/08 (213)
  haha, it's - weiyi 06/18/08 (190)
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