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American Politics 101: 如何入共和党
送交者: 对对眼 2018年05月23日17:13:44 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Becoming a Member

  1. Image titled Find a Job in Dubai Step 6

    Find your state’s GOP website. Every state has its own website. Search for “your state” and “GOP” in your favorite search engine. There should be a sign-up form on the homepage.
    • You can also join the national GOP: https://www.gop.com/. However, your state’s party will share your information with the national umbrella organization—and vice versa. You only need to join one or the other.

  2. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 1

    Provide your personal information. The party might ask for only an email address, or they might also request your name and home address. You can provide this information online.[2]
    • By joining the state party, all you’re really doing is giving your contact information so that they can hit you up for donations in the future. If you want to make a real difference in GOP politics, you should consider other ways to participate.

  3. Image titled File Taxes Online Step 13

    Make a donation. You don’t pay annual fees to be a Republican. However, you can make a donation at either the state or national websites. Use your credit card.
    • Donations are strictly voluntary and not required to join.

  4. Image titled Contact the President of the United States Step 21

    Receive updates. The primary purpose of joining your state party is to receive periodic updates about pending legislation at the state and national level. You might be invited to contact your elected representatives and ask them to vote a certain way.
    • Joining the party this way doesn’t register you to vote as a Republican. Instead, you need to do that yourself.

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