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送交者: 米笑 2014年12月15日16:23:31 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

寫下這個題目立刻發現這個結論很靠譜。因為米是男人,寫這個埋汰男人,可見男人真的是白痴。不過,這話即使是女人說,你也扣不上性別歧視的嫌疑的帽子。因為“男人白痴”是一個正經八百的科學命題,稱為“男人白痴理論”,簡稱MITMale Idiot Theory)。

MIT不只是一個理論,而且被證實是正確的。最近在《英國醫學雜誌》(British Medical Journal)上發表的研究結果發現有充分證據說明男人確實是愚蠢的。《英國醫學雜誌》可不是娛樂圈的八卦雜誌,而是權威的醫學文獻,看樣子男人這次算是栽了。

這項研究的主要根據是達爾文獎(Darwin Awards)。這是以提出進化論的達爾文的名字命名,每年評出死的最愚蠢的人,候選人都是以愚蠢的方法喪命,將自己移出人類基因庫。






在332項提名中,有14項是男女共享,它們大多是愛冒險的丈夫和愛丈夫的妻子共同陷於危險境地的狀況。其餘318個有效獎項中282項(88.7%)授給男性,只有36項授給女性。此性別差異完全符合MIT(男人白痴理論): 男人是傻瓜,傻瓜做傻事(men are idiots and idiots do stupid things)。

University of Newcastle的Dennis Lendrem博士說:愚蠢的冒險被定義為無意義的冒險,這些冒險的收穫極小甚至沒有,結局基本是無法挽回的悲劇。男人願意冒這種毫無必要的險去追求社會尊嚴,或者僅僅以此換取“吹噓的權利”。





Study supports the theory that men are idiots

Sex differences in risk seeking behaviour, emergency hospital admissions, and mortality are well documented. Males are more likely to be admitted to an emergency department after accidental injuries, more likely to be admitted with a sporting injury, and more likely to be involved in a fatal road traffic collision.

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However, little is known about sex differences in idiotic risk-taking behaviour. So researchers in north east England decided to test "male idiot theory" (MIT) that many of the differences in risk seeking behaviour may be explained by the observation that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things.

They reviewed data on idiotic behaviours demonstrated by winners of the Darwin Award over a 20 year period (1995 to 2014), noting the sex of the winner. To qualify, nominees must improve the gene pool by eliminating themselves from the human race using astonishingly stupid methods.

Worthy candidates include a man stealing a ride home by hitching a shopping trolley to the back of a train, only to be dragged two miles to his death before the train was able to stop; and the terrorist who posted a letter bomb with insufficient postage stamps and who, on its return, unthinkingly opened his own letter.

Of the 413 Darwin Award nominations, 332 were independently verified and confirmed by the Darwin Awards Committee. Of these, 14 were shared by male and female nominees -- usually overly adventurous couples in compromising positions -- leaving 318 valid cases for statistical testing.

Of these 318 cases, 282 Darwin Awards were awarded to males, and just 36 awards given to females. Males thus made up 88.7% of Darwin Award winners, and this sex difference is highly statistically significant, say the authors.

This finding is entirely consistent with male idiot theory (MIT) and supports the hypothesis that men are idiots and idiots do stupid things.

Journal Reference:

1.     B. A. D. Lendrem, D. W. Lendrem, A. Gray, J. D. Isaacs. The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behaviourBMJ, 2014; 349 (dec10 20): g7094 DOI:10.1136/bmj.g7094

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