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送交者: 聊斋常客 2016年04月24日19:02:47 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话




Hearing the government army reclaimed the lands
 south and north of Yellow River
(by Du Fu, Tang dynasty)

Stayed long at the Jianmen gate south,
Suddenly hearing the government army reclaimed the states of

Beijing north,
The victory information moved me shed tears and snivel
 all over my cloths.

Just looking at my wife at a glance,
Her worries about the warfare is gone without traces;
I am collecting my books and rolling up the poetry scripts
into boxes,
packing in a happy mood and rush madly with myself in a mess.

In the daytime, now we shall sing loudly
and drink excessively with alcohol,
How lucky that we can
accompanied with our survivals energy of youth,
 go back home in pairs and as a whole family.

The journey’s route is from Ba Gorge
 then across the Wu Gorge,
The journey's end is through the trivial river branch of Xinyang,
off boat, going by cart along the road,
then Luoyang is the hometown.




,喜极而涕,这种激情是 人所共有的。

这首 诗。浦起龙在《读杜心解》中称赞它是杜甫“生平第一首快诗。”

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