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送交者: 沙發馬鈴薯 2016年08月02日10:08:19 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

K19,儂是怎樣惡補,從直腸炎口裡的idiot 在短短的幾年間一躍而進三甲的呀?傳授一下,就像儂傳授大刀耳片的秘訣那樣。耶!

To K19
送交者: 直言 2013年04月13日19:17:53 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

First, assume I am writing this with a straight face. 

Now, read the following. They are taken from your post below. For your viewing convenience, the errors are highlighted in red and bold:

"That alone said enough about this guys ability to judge. Isn't it?" 

"I will not spend one second to correct my posts"

"Tell you a truth"

"When can you stop showing of your english ..."

"Yes, you have show you have some understanding ..."

"... everyone can see how good you really is, or is not"

"I have been reading all sort of shit"


Pathetic notwithstanding, an unbiased fair-minded person would probably not go much further than to conclude that you have virtually no understanding of English. Yet, you yourself, my friend, have made it much worse, when you said: "Tell you a truth. I have been reading all sort of shit 10 to 16 hours a day in the last 10 years" (all sorts of shit in English, I suppose).

Now, let me tell you the truth, my friend. While making grammatical mistakes in English doesn't necessarily render a non native speaker unintelligent automatically, making the kind of egregious and stupid mistakes you make and so excessively after reading English 16 hours a day for 10 years would certainly put you in the league of utter and hopeless idiots. Sorry to break it to you. I wish I could be more charitable and gentle.

One more piece of advice. Stop calling everyone idiot and stop cackling excessively and nervously, they not only are totally useless defenses, they also make you appear to be mentally and emotionally unstable. Do it for your own good.

Do we need to get into the craps you posted? I guess not, my friend.

Oh my, someone use the ability

送交者: k19 2013月04月13日16:43:58 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

回  答:Mind opening, 由 直言 於2013-04-13 15:53:27

of second language as a standard for judging others intelligence and literacy.  That alone said enough about this guys ability to judge. Isn't it? I will not spend one second to correct my posts.  And maybe I should stop doing it??? LOL why the fuck I want waste my time to do so for idiots? Nah, never. I have already spend way enough time for idiots like you here. And you really don't deserve it.

BTW, if you can tell that someone is smoking be finding their grammar mistake, I wonder what the hell are you smoking. It is not weed, i am sure.

Yes, it is mind opening. Again, so what, it is not that I did not know it is mind opening. It is the fast typing plus the reminder habit of chinese thinking got me. Big fucking deal.

You really think you are more literate and know more in English than me? hahahahahah What a dumbass. Tell you a truth. I have been reading all sort of shit 10 to 16 hours a day in the last 10 years while you spend your time wasting bullshit someone else here in wuwei. hahahaha.

When can you stop showing of you english grammar skill and show us some of your mental capacity, if you have any to speak of, then we can talk about literacy and intelligence. Yes, you have show you have some understanding of english grammar. But you have show nothing but stupidity so far. Keep arguing, everyone can see how good you really is, or is not.   ... oooops, I have to leave something for someone to do., right. hahahaha otherwise he/she will get bored. Just like my dog, she can only think what is exactly infront of her. hahahah Go ahead, chew on it, if you want to.

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