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送交者: 豌博 2018年03月13日11:29:27 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

徐志摩 《偶然 Coincident》

我是天空裡的一片雲 I am in the sky as a lone piece of cloud,

偶爾投影在你的波心 incidentally reflected on your wavy heart.

你不必訝異 Don't be surprised,

更無須歡喜 nor should be cheered,

在轉瞬間消滅了蹤影 cuz it in no time vanished.

你我相逢在黑夜的海上 You and me first met in a dark night on the sea.

你有你的 You headed your way,

我有我的方向 I had my way.

你記得也好 May you remember,

最好你忘掉 or better should you forget altogether,

在這交會時互放的光芒。those sparkles we both emitted at the moment of encounter.

徐志摩 《你去 Your Departure》

你去,我也走,我們在此分手;You are leaving, I am also gone, so right here we are splitting.

你上那一條大路,你放心走,Just embark on that wide open road and stop worrying.

你看那街燈一直亮到天邊,You see those street lights are illuminating all the way to horizon's end,

你只消跟從這光明的直線!just follow this enlightened straight-line.

你先走,我站在此地望着你:You go first while I stand pat watching behind:

放輕些腳步,別教灰土揚起,Tread softly and stir up no dust,

我要認清你遠去的身影,as I must distinguish that diminishing silhouette you cast,

直到距離使我認你不分明。till the distance blindfolds me all out.

再不然,我就叫響你的名字,Or else, I'm going to call your name loud,

不斷的提醒你,有我在這裡,as a constant reminder, I'm still here,

為消解荒街與深晚的荒涼,to dispel emptiness of the street this late hour in the middle of nowhere,

目送你歸去…… seeing you off while I stare...

不,我自有主張,No, I will make plans for my own,

你不必為我憂慮;你走大路, so don't worry about me; you keep going..

我進這條小巷。你看那株樹,I'm going into this alley. You see where a tree is growing,

高抵着天,我走到那邊轉彎,so tall into the sky, I will make the turn there to be exact.

再過去是一片荒野的凌亂;There is a stretch of messy wild terrain after that;

有深潭,有淺窪,半亮着止水,with deep ponds, shallow puddles, filled with luminous stillwater,

在夜芒中像是紛披的眼淚;under nighty reflections seemingly a film of tears dripping together;

有亂石,有鈎刺脛踝的蔓草,Rocks laying disoriented, while prickly plants doing lower leg trapping,

在守候過路人疏神時絆倒,waiting for a stumbled by-passer to inflict bleeding,

但你不必焦心,我有的是膽,but I've got guts, you can rest assured,

兇險的途程不能使我心寒。on this danger-prone journey I'm not running scared.

等你走遠,我就大步的向前,After you have left afar, I will be marching on,

這荒野有的是夜露的清鮮;this wild land has got ample refreshing nighty dews for me to sip upon.

也不愁愁雲深裹,但求風動,I'm unfazed despite engulfed in dark clouds, as long as winds are moving,

雲海里便波涌星斗的流汞;amid sea of clouds, a mercury torrent of stars thereby gushing;

更何況永遠照徹我的心底,Let alone you always shine through the bottom of my heart,

有那顆不夜的明珠,我愛的是你!a forever glittering star, you are the one I love!

林徽因 《別丟掉 Don’t toss out》

別丟掉 Don’t toss out

這一把過往的熱情,this fervent love of the past,

現在流水似的,now like a water flow,

輕輕 flowing slow,

在幽冷的山泉底,deep in the bottom of the cold mountain springs,

在黑夜,在松林,in pitch-black nights, in pine forests,

嘆息似的渺茫,so bleak as to a point of despair,

你仍要保存着那真!yet you must retain that truthful flare!

一樣是月明,Moonlight just as bright,

一樣是隔山燈火,same glowing lights on mountain sides,

滿天的星,a skyful of stars in a tier,

只有人不見,you are nowhere,

夢似的掛起,yet in the dreams you do appear,

你問黑夜要回 nagging from dark nights in persistence,

那一句話—— for that sentence --

你仍得相信 Please still be a believer.

山谷中留着 It's there,

有那回音!echoing in that mountain valley forever!

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