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再秀一下川普总统给“我” 的一封信。几辈子都得不到啊,老随讲
送交者: Altright 2018年05月23日20:26:17 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

________ {Supporter]

I am humbled to write to you for the first time as your president.

This is an honor I will never take lightly – and I will NEVER forget the brave and strong Americans who entrusted me with this great responsibility.

Today, the world witnessed a free people reclaim their independence and take their country back. And it was all thanks to your support and winning attitude, _______.

Ronna McDaniel –- our Party’s terrific new chairman and a real winner –- will soon be sending me a list of our many members who renewed their commitment for the 2017 year.

_______ [name of supporter], I hope you will accept your Sustaining Membership to sustain everything we accomplished for years and years to come.

Please accept your Sustaining Membership for the 2017 year and make a contribution of $250, $100, $65, $50, $35, $25, or $15.

I am ready to work for you, I am ready to fight for you, and together, we will Make America Great Again!

God bless you,

Donald J. Trump

President of the United States

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