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申时行:(诗)哭友 (I have seen tears drop)
送交者: 万蝶 2005年10月11日11:01:58 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

I have seen tears drop
To and fro my eyes;
I have let the tears drop.
I have seen men and women sob
In and out of my worlds;
I have let the men and women sob.

When the worlds sink,
My eyes don't blink.
When the lotuses rise and fall,
My eye brows don't go up and down.
However -
When tears drop,
I sob;
When men and women sob,
I drop.

Let me sob and drop!
Let me!
Let me sob and drop!
Let me!
As He said:
If I don't go to hell,
Who goes to hell?
As He said:
I have saved numerous,
But saved not a single one of those,
Who sob and drop.

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