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送交者: pifu01 2019年03月12日10:08:04 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話


Su Shi (1037 – 1101), better known as Su Dongpo, was one of the Song dynasty’s most influential poets and essayists. Su Dongpo was an avid student of Buddhist teachings, and often discussed them with his good friend, the Zen master Foyin. The two lived across the river from one another – Su Dongpo’s residence on the north side and Foyin’s Gold Mountain Temple on the south side. One day he went to meditate with Zen Master Foyin at Golden Mountain Temple. After Su Dongpo had experienced a total relaxation of body and mind, he asked Zen Master Foyin, “Zen Master, what do you think of my sitting posture?” “Very magnificent. Like a Buddha!”

Su Dongpo was very delighted to hear that. Zen Master Foyin then asked him, “Scholar, what do you think of my sitting posture then?”
Su Dongpo, never giving up any chance to tease and jeer at Zen Master Foyin, immediately replied, “Like a pile of bullshit.”
Zen Master Foyin was very delighted to hear the answer and did not utter another word.
Su Dongpo thought he had beaten Zen Master Foyin because the Zen Master was wordless while being compared to a pile of bullshit. He was so proud of himself that he told everyone he met, “Today I won.”

This news soon reached Su’s sister Su Xiaomei. She asked him, “Brother, how was it that you beat Zen Master today?” Su repeated the whole story vividly to his sister. Su Xiaomei, talented and smart as she was, told Su Dongpo straight to his face, “Brother, you actually lost. It is because Zen Master’s mind is actually that of a Buddha that he could see you as a Buddha. As your mind is like a pile of bullshit, you, of course, saw him as a pile of bullshit.”
Su Dongpo, realizing his Zen practice was far inferior to Zen Master Foyin’s, was speechless.


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