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送交者: 職老 2019年09月19日23:53:26 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

i can love the sweet rain at the midnight of mountain 

as the wave of lake charming

cold river rippling

sorrow and lightling

both songs singing 

in the arms of wind and sky night color banding 


as the Rocket LA blue

a long day of white night

clear and pure via the water

like your eyes bring me the sad

lighting again of cross-stars 

we have walked away

but roads under the silver moonshines

all right baby

no end of life

so i can missing you from tonight

forever ever

where you go

where sun, moon, or stars

the LA rocket blue

下面是錯輸 無法刪除 見諒

   where you go

where sun, moon or stars 

      clear and pure via the  

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2018: 戴好鋼盔上來再閒扯幾句要“尊嚴”。嘿
2018: 覺得受到不公正對待,可以聯繫律師
2017: 孟書記,周小平,王芳,雷洋,這樣的故
2017: 清華畢業,跑去延安,沒有信仰,是說不
2016: 認真討論一個問題的時候,
2016: 山西一號,怎麼樣?你本周灌水66帖
2015: 我發現最近變得很庸俗,竟然喜歡看金星
2015: 本壇最具有魯迅精神的,是老K,各位覺得
2014: 真是可笑,我邀請任何人出來公開辯論任
2014: MC,你就別吹了.你如果真是學物理的.請