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13.1.5 人趣 Human Interest
送交者: 卢岩 2023年12月24日17:46:48 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话


Human, here says intent because whatever a human does, intention or plan goes first. Human interest, also known as humanity, because they could perform five precepts when they were on their causes. The five precepts are: 1. Do not kill, 2. Do not steal, 3. Do not engage in heretical sexual conduct, 4. Do not lie, and 5. Do not drink alcohol. Human life is a mixture of bitter and laugh. The ten benevolences of the middle grade led to rebirth of sentients in this path. The following is a brief identification of Ten Benevolences of the middle grade.





1. Aggregating heart’s environments to say, human can protect bodily karma, oral karma, and intentional karma in enjoyable environment and in neither enjoyable nor adverse circumstances.

2. Aggregating heart to say, human being is with pure and matured good wills, but not bravely to do.

3. Aggregating affair to say, humans do small goods again and again, occasionally do great good.

Generally, having donations and precepts, are reasons for the human path.

13.1.5 人趣 Human Interest.jpg

13.1.5-2 四洲 Four Continents

人有四大洲、八中洲等分别。什么是这里说的洲?即大量的身土,即大量的尘刹土,即大量的色尘、声尘、香尘、味尘、触尘、和法尘, 即许多感知或觉, 如插图13.1.5所说的三千大千世界是由十亿尘刹土构成的。八中洲,如插图13.1.5-18,亦作八忍地,八大金刚,八大人,忍渡,参见《佛遗教经》中的八大人。插图122是墨西哥(如图2324,亦作特拉洛克,约活越在公元1325年)所画的生命之树的树干。图18 “人的肖像” ;笔者我认为那是墨西哥基于自己的肠子所画出的 “忍渡标志”

There are four great continents, eight medium continents, and other distinctions among human beings. What are the continents spoken of here? That is, a great deal of body-soils, that is, a great deal of dust-instant-soils, that is, a great deal of color-dust, sound-dust, scent-dust, taste-dust, touch-dust, and juristic-dust, that is, a great deal of perceptions or sensations, as in Illustration 13.1.5, which says that the Great Grand Worlds are made up of a billion dust-instant-soils. The Eight Medium Continents, as in Illustration 13.1.5-18, are also known as the Eight Countenance Lands, the Eight Great Philosopher Stones, the Eight Great Humans, and the Ark of Countenance, cf. the Eight Great Humans in the Sutra of Buddha’s Will. Illustrations 1 through 22 are the trunk of the Life Tree as painted by Mexico (e.g., Figs. 23 and 24, also known as Tlaloc, lived ca. 1325 CE). Fig. 18 is the "Portrait of a Man"; the author I believe that is the "Icon of Countenance Ark" painted by Mexico based on his own intestines.


1. East Victorious Body Continent, Victorious Body is saying that their bodily form is the most victorious among all laws. Victorious Body Continent is located on the eastern side of Mount Sumer-head. Its landform east narrow west wide, like a crescent, length and breadth are 6,000 yojanas. Yojana is a Sanskrit distance unit, is one day walking distance by a cow with a Philosopher-Stone bell under neck. There is a great tree, name Sal Fasullo, in its center; its height and covers up 27 yojanas. The human face is also in the shape of a half moon 🌜, body height is 3.5 cubits, clothes’ (annotation 1) length and breadth are 7 cubits to their center, 3.5 cubits above and 3.5 cubits below. The life expectancy of a human being is 250 years, with many premature deaths. Annotation 1, clothes, such as tie, veil, etc.; but with special significance, refer to section 14.2.


2. North Skull Occupant Continent, alias Victorious Place, Going Up, Victorious Place means that people in the continent receive victorious recompense fruits, which are more victorious than other three continents. Going Up is saying that people in this continent can live 1,000 years, and they rise to Thirty-Three skies (see fig 13.1.5-14), Conversion-Laugh skies, etc. after death. Skull Occupant Continent is in the north of Mount Sumer-head, and form is a square, like a swamp, 8,000 yojanas in length and breadth. Middle of the continent, there is a big tree named Immaculateness. Its roots penetrate the ground for nine yojanas, its crown reaches 9 yojanas, and its branches and leaves cover 25 yojanas. There is a forest named man, and a forest named woman. The human face of north continent resembles its topography, their body height is 7 cubits, clothes’ length and breadth are 14 cubits to their center, 7 cubits above and 7 cubits below. The life expectancy of a human being is 1,000 years without premature death.


3. West Cow-Muddle Continent, named after a yojana-high stone cow in the center of the continent. Cow-Muddles Continent is in the west of Mount Sumer-head. Its soil shapes like a full moon, and its length and breadth are 7,000 yojanas. There are many cattle and sheep on this continent, as well as pearls and jade. The human face is also like the full moon 🌝, and body height is 3.5 cubits, clothes’ length and breadth are 7 cubits to its center, 3.5 cubits above and 3.5 cubits below. Human life expectancy is 500 years, with many premature deaths.


4. South Admiring-Subordinates Continent, the continent has many trees, named after a Strict-Father tree in center of the continent. Its roots penetrate the ground for nine yojanas, its crown is 18 yojanas high, and its branches and leaves cover 25 yojanas. There is a lot of gold under the tree, known as Strict-Father gold. Admiring-Subordinates Continent is in the south of Mount Sumer-head. Its soil is trapezoidal, wide in the north and narrow in the south, and 6,000 yojanas in length and breadth. The human face also resembles its topography; body height is 3.5 cubits. Clothes’ length and breadth are 7 cubits to its center, 3.5 cubits above and 3.5 cubits below. The amount of lifespan is uncertain. In increasing catastrophe, their life span can reach 250 years; but in decreasing catastrophe, their life span is less than 10 years. The longest life span can be infinite. People’s root nature in Admiring-Subordinates Continent are brave and sharp, easy to rise and fall.

13.1.5-3 性生活 Sexual Life


As for marriages and sex matters, hell beings are very busy and have little interest in sex and marriages. Hungry Ghosts, Livestock, Asuras, people in east Victorious Body Continent, in west Cow-Muddle Continent, and in south Admiring-Subordinates Continent, all the sentient beings’ marriage and sex are just like the human world.


People in North Skull Occupant Continent have no ego and belongings, no guardian (annotation, that is, self-defence); if men and women love each other, they will follow each other under the Combine-Happiness tree. If the man and woman are not father and daughter, mother and son, brother, and sister, etc., the Combine-Happiness tree will produce beds and hang down its branches and leaves. The men and women have fun, do whatever they want, and then separate and go their separate ways. If the woman is pregnant, she gives birth within seven days, place the baby in the road crossing, and leave it. Passers-by in all directions put their fingers in the mouth of the baby to raise the baby. Their fingers have produced honeydew. After seven days, that baby grows into that stature. If it is a man, it will follow the male companion; if it is a woman, it will chase away with the female companion. Because of the reason and aggregative factors, people in Skull-Occupant Continent have no marriage.


In the Six Desire-Skies, weddings and funerals are just like the human world, but those sentients stress intentional laughs, there are more sexual behaviors such as hugging, holding hands, admiringly looking at each other, etc., and the contact with sexual organs is less than that in the human world. Sentient beings in Color Boundary (see fig 5 to 8), and Colorless Boundary have no feelings of smell taste and bodily touch, so they don’t differ male and female, certainly they don’t have sextual conducts and marriage.

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