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送交者: expertise 2008月08月27日09:53:13 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 謝二位關心。其實是替朋友問的問題。還沒結哪,詳情見內。IcyLi 於 2008-08-25 13:55:26
you have different choices for bring the spouse into US after becoming LPR:

1) petition for family-based immigration (F2A, spouse of LPR), but you have to wait for several years, currently the PD is Dec, 2003.

2) wait until you become USC, then petition for immigration under "immediate relative" category. You do not need wait until the approval of the petition. Once you become USC, you can bring the spouse into US with an nonimmigrant visa K-3.

if you need more help, please let me know.
  how to take advantage of H-1B? - IcyLi 08/29/08 (473)
    Yes, the easiest way to bring - 老一 08/30/08 (437)
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