經典商業電影推薦 |
送交者: alan1234 2021年08月16日00:47:16 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話 |
網上一直流傳着哈佛商學院推薦的學生必看經典商業電影,這些電影赤裸裸地展示出了商場如戰場的殘酷,人與人之間的勾心鬥角、爾虞我詐。但是最終的主旨都是向善的:其中不乏激勵人上進的勵志佳句,值得學習! 1."Show Me the Money."- Rod Tidwell, in Jerry Maguire (1996) 讓我賺大錢!——出自電影《甜心先生》中永不言敗的足球運動員羅德-蒂德維爾 2."Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period. All right?"- Chris Gardner, The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 別讓別人告訴你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。如果你有夢想的話,就要去守護你的夢想。那些一事無成的人想告訴你你也成不了大器。如果你有夢想的話,就要去努力實現。就這樣。——出自電影《當幸福來敲門》中堅持夢想、疼愛兒子的爸爸克里斯-加德納 3."Good artists copy, great artists steal."- Steve Jobs, in Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999) 好的藝術家複製,天才藝術家偷竊。——出自電影《硅谷傳奇》中的喬幫主 4."Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse."- Frank Abagnale Sr, Catch Me If You Can (2002) 有兩隻老鼠掉進了牛奶里。第一隻老鼠很快就放棄了希望,便淹死了。第二隻老鼠沒有放棄。他拼命掙扎,最終把牛奶變成了奶酪而得以逃生。先生們,此時此刻,我就是第二隻老鼠。——出自電影《逍遙法外》中天才少年弗蘭克-阿巴格諾 5."Well, it's no trick to make a lot of money... if all you want to do is make a lot of money."- Bernstein, Citizen Kane (1941) 賺大錢沒什麼竅門,只要你一門心思想着就是這件事,你就能賺大錢。——出自電影《公民凱恩》中報社董事長伯恩施坦 6."Don't tell me I can't do it; don't tell me it can't be done!"- Howard Hughes, The Aviator (2004) 別告訴我我做不了;別告訴我這做不到!——出自電影《飛行者》中億萬富豪霍華德-休斯 7."You don't understand. I want to be surprised...astonish me, sport, new info, don't care where or how you get it, just get it..."- Gordon Gekko, Wall Street (1987) 你不懂,我要得是驚喜,給我驚喜。運動、消息,我不管你是從哪裡,是怎麼得到這些的,拿來給我就成。——出自電影《華爾街》中不擇手段的股市大亨戈登-蓋柯 8."Every penny you think I'm pissing away here, comes back to us dressed up like a nickel."- F. Ross Johnson, Barbarians at the Gate (1993) 你們認為我浪費的每一分錢,我都會給你們賺回來五分錢。——出自電影《登龍有術》中華爾街大亨羅斯-強生 9."There is no such thing as a no sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can't. Either way a sale is made."- Jim Young, Boiler Room (2000) 這世上沒有所謂的不成功的銷售電話。你打出去的每一個銷售電話,要麼你成功地賣出了股票,要麼你知道了為什麼客戶不願意買你的股票的原因。不管怎樣,你都可以算是做成了一筆生意。——出自電影《搶錢大作戰》中野心勃勃的經紀人吉姆-楊 10."A-B-C. A-Always, B-Be, C-Closing. Always be closing."- Blake, Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) 成功的秘訣只有一句話:一定要成交。——出自電影《拜金一族》中總裁代表布萊克 本篇文章是美國論文通收集整理(https://www.assignmentpass.info) |
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