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送交者: Peter93 2016年08月13日13:50:06 於 [美國移民] 發送悄悄話

P-1 Visa for Athletes with Internationally Recognized Reputation

Hi William,

As an internationally recognized athlete in martial arts, do I qualify for the P-1 visa for an athlete?


To qualify as a P-1 visa for an athlete, the alien athlete or sport team should have an internationally recognized reputation in the sport. The alien applicant should demonstrate the internationally recognized reputation to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), by showing a contract with a major U.S. sports league, team, or international sporting event, with at least two of the following evidence:

   • proof of the applicant's or team’s previous significant participation with a major U.S. sports league;

   • proof of participation in an international competition with a national team;

   • proof of previous significant participation with a U.S. college in intercollegiate competition;

   • evidence that the person or team is internationally ranked; 

   • proof that the person or team has received a significant honor or award in the sport;

   • a written statement from an official of a major U.S. sports league or the governing body of the sport, explaining exactly how the person or team is internationally recognized;

   • a written statement from the sports media or a recognized expert regarding the person's or team's international recognition.



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